Use the arrow keys to move in 4 directions dodging falling meteors and enemy ships, use x to dash in the direction you are moving allowing you to phase through enemies and projectiles, and use z to shoot to destroy enemies. Try and get your high score! Even if you leave the page, the high score system will save your best score for when you come back. Use the arrow keys and enter to navigate menus. Good luck! (Remember to use your dash, it will really help)!

Made in 72 hours for the Minimalism Jam (Only 3 colors)

Game made in Godot

Art made in Piskel

Audio made in BFXR/Beepbox


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Very nice game, a bit hard on the player with the death asteroids appearing from the side, good sounds (had some hickups in the sound, but I use Godot too so I know it's a common problem for web export)

Thanks! The side asteroids are tough but I added them so the player would have to move up and down and not just right and left. The sound does seem kind of messed up and really laggy, although if you think it was Godot's web export that would make sense considering it sounded fine in engine. Thanks for playing!